Sunday, December 5, 2010

D - Dedicated

When I think dedication and advent the obvious connection to me and likely other Christians is Christ coming to earth as a baby, giving up His Godhood knowing that eventually his life as a man would meet a brutal, humiliating painful end. I also think of Mary being willing to carry and raise the son of God. Or Joseph honouring his commitment to Mary and raising the son of God with her. I don't know that I ever really understood all of what the Christmas story meant until I heard this beautiful song:

That's what I mostly think of. But I also think of my friend Christina, who every year for the past 20 has created a magical Christmas feast for the people of Victoria who wouldn't otherwise have one. Please check out Christina's blog and find out what you can do to help her give.

I think of the doctors, nurses, orderlies, paramedics, police officers and fire fighters who know that part of the job is not being with their families on so many of the important days including Christmas. The emergency workers at the shelters who will be on call and on site making it safe for clients to smile, and

And I think of all the parents who make a budget that doesn't quite stretch at the best of times reach all the way around the stockings and the treats and the presents and decorations in order to teach their children about magic. 

So to all of you - who do a little more at Christmas so we can all experience a little more magic, God Bless You Everyone.

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